Every single week seems to be fuller than the previous week. How does that happen!! Not sure....but we love it and we LOVE OUR MISSION! We have so many wonderful things happen......
Tiger came to visit us for a few minutes in our apartment! She is such a sweet cat.
On Wednesday my cousin Johnny Marion and his wife, Charlotte, came to visit us. Johnny made walking sticks for Wayne and I. I made him a CHEROKEE AFGHAN! After exchanging our little gifts to each other we headed over to Senoia for lunch at the Redneck Restaurant.
On Thursday we found ourselves driving over to Dunn North Carolina to visit a sister missionary who had to have major surgery. We needed to check on her so OFF we went. As we were driving we discovered there was a BRUNSWICK NC on the map. Of course we had to check it out.
This sweet lady, Cheryl, is the town clerk. The population is 1,100!!! 400 of those are inmates in the prison. Funny but true story.
It was after dark when we finally arrived at the Harnett Health Hospital. We had a very nice visit with the Sister Missionary. She was not feeling very well but seemed to perk up a bit while we were there.
We went back on Friday morning to see her again. She was doing a little bit better. By Friday evening she had the tube in her nose removed and she was feeling a lot better. Bless her heart.

As we were driving around the country-side we came across several COTTON FIELDS. It was so cool. We had to stop and pick a little bit....with the owner's permission of course.
Friday night was neat because Spencer opened his mission call....on Jonathan's 45th birthday! Great way to celebrate his dad's birthday. We are so excited for Spencer. He will be a great missionary. He will be serving in the Mexico Monterey West Spanish speaking mission. He will report to the Mexico MTC on March 4, 2015. GO SPENCER!!!

Elder and Sister Burnside serving in the mission office of the North Carolina Raleigh Mission met us in Mt. Airy. Sister Burnside discovered her relatives were born in and around Mt. Airy, N.C. We were able to show them around and help them as much as we could in finding her ancestors!
We had a lot of fun with them......this beautiful fall display is on the south end of Main Street.
A trip downtown Mt. Airy would not be complete with spotting the SHERIFF'S CAR out and about giving tours. Andy Griffith has surely put BAYBERRY on the map!!
Steven and Audrey, Emma and Matthew drove down on Saturday night to attend the Goins Reunion with us on Sunday. It was so fun to have them come all that way down!! We had Gene's GROUND STEAK SANDWICH'S waiting for them when they arrived.

The famous GOINS FAMILY CHART was on the wall......and we found where we fit in to the family.
The first-in-a-long-time GOINS REUNION FOTO!!! Great group foto thanks to Elder Burnside for taking it for us.
And we even got a little family photo with us....again, thanks to Elder Burnside!
Even though PEAK season was actually a week or so before we got there, the leaves were absolutely gorgeous!!!
Steven and kids with Mary Goins Wall.....what a sweetheart she is!
Denise Connor talking to us at the family chart.
We drove past the quarry real quick after the reunion.....LARGEST OPEN FACE GRANITE QUARRY IN THE WORLD!
And, again, gorgeous fall colors.
Quick foto-op before Steven and the kids headed back up to Maryland on Sunday afternoon.
Wayne and I went over to Sharon and Lester Perdue's home for dinner on Sunday. Sharon is Virgie Willard's youngest daughter. Wayne and Lester were able to drill the little holes into our walking sticks Johnny Marion made us so we could attach our little souvenir emblems.
The emblems being attached.
It was back to PTC on Monday so we could get to work!!! The drive was GORGEOUS.....and we can never get enough of PILOT MOUNTAIN!!
We know we are getting close to PTC and GA when we see this PEACH WATER TOWER in Gaffney, S.C.
And there we have it.....yet another super busy week!!!