Every week seems to be just a bit different. We just never know quite what we may end up doing some days.....and it keeps us on our toes!
We were invited to attend OUR District Meeting this week, on Tuesday. We were excited to do that because we are normally not in town for it. I decided I needed to make some banana, pecan, chocolate chip bread....one per companionship. That worked well. The Elders and Sisters were very pleased!
We were supposed to head up to the North Carolina Charlotte Mission this week and next week for Zone Conferences. About 2 weeks ago we were notified that a member of the Area Presidency changed that schedule for the Mission President. They can do that and sometimes do....like this time. Because we had already arranged to spend the weekend in Mt. Airy (easier than driving back to PTC and turning around 2 days later and driving back up here), we decided we were going to still come to Mt. Airy for the Easter weekend! AND, we found out the night before we were to leave that an Elder in the North Carolina Raleigh Mission was having some medical problems that he needed to be hospitalized for. Elder/Dr. Allgaier felt uncomfortable with what was going on so we decided we needed to detour to Durham to check on things at the hospital. That is just what we do....when we need to. The Elder was sent home 2 days later to get further medical help in his home state! That is usually in the best interest of the missionary when that decision is made....and it is not made lightly!
Couldn't resist this foto (taken by Dad). This truck was parked next to our car in the Hospital parking lot. We ARE in the Bible Belt, after all!!! Got to love it.
We decided we could take call from the top of Pilot Mountain just as easy as being in Mt. Airy. SO, we decided to walk to the top of the Pinnacle. We love the view from there....you could even see Winston-Salem....about 37 miles south of Pilot Mountain. It was the perfect day to be on top.
We decided to also visit the Andy Griffith Museum in Mt. Airy. Dad tried his 'style' with sitting in the side car.....including helmet!!!
A trip to Mt. Airy is never complete without sporting the Squad Car. We saw several of them around town...people taking tours in them. It is fun to do when in town.
OH and what can I say.....YES we ate at Gene's every day we were here. LOVE, LOVE the ground steak. AND, dad switched it up a little with having a chili dawg one day. Both are sooooo good!!! I have already ordered a BUCKET of ground steak and slaw to bring home with us the end of May as we head to the 515!!! Freddie said he would have it ready for us. A BUCKET of deliciousness!!!
Saturday morning was interesting. Totally without our planning it this way, we ended up going to the gravesites of my Parent, Grand Parents, GREAT-Grandparents and GREAT-GREAT Grandparents on both my mother's side and my father's side. Very cool to have been able to do that and have it documented.
This is my FATHER's side......
And, my MOTHER's side.
On Saturday afternoon we attended the funeral of my cousin Lucille Goins Crissman who lived in Pilot Mountain. So nice to have been able to attend. Almost like a little family reunion.
The funeral was held at the Friendly Chapel Church (Baptist) at Pilot Mountain. You can see Pilot Mt. in the background.
This is another Great Aunt's grave with 2 cousins: Hazel on the left and Mary on the right.
I never go anywhere without my crocheting. I figure I can always get a few stitches done.....this particular 'cotton boll' patters requires me working with 2 yarns at the same time. Hence, the 2 yarns........
What a sweet, personal note from our hotel cleaning lady to write this personal note for us wishing us a Happy Easter! I love the personal touches!!
As we were walking up and down Main Street one afternoon, we ran into one of my cousins AND the lady missionaries came by. LOVE this little small town.
We got to have Easter dinner with another cousin today after church.....Shannon and her husband Vince. Shannon (not pictured) is Sharon (Left, cousin, Virgie's youngest daughter) and Lester's (right) daughter. This is Sharon and Lester's son, Danny and his wife, Cindy. Danny is being baptized in 2 weeks. We surely wish we could be back here for the baptism! How exciting for the all of us that Danny has decided to be baptized.
We attended the Mt. Airy Ward this morning for church. They performed the Easter Cantata for Sacrament Meeting. It was beautiful. That has been a tradition for the ward to do for as long as I can remember but it is the first time I have actually been here for the performance of it.
We head back to PTC in the morning. We hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and enjoyed being with family and fiends. We love all of y'all!! Thank you for your love and support and we continue in the service of our mission. We love our mission and are very grateful we can do this....THANK EACH ONE OF YOU!!