It is hard to believe the weeks go by so quickly! How on earth does that happen? We continue to love our work, the people, the area, our apartment, etc., etc., etc........
This is our week in review:
We are in the White Water Ward in the Fayetteville, GA Stake. Our chapel is only about a 4 minute drive from our Balmoral Village Apartment. I could get used to this 'long' commute!!
What are the chances of knowing someone from our past right here in our new ward?? Well, in the church those chances are very good. This young lady is Miranda Justice Rocket. She was one of my young women back in the day when I was serving as the Stake Young Women's President! Small world. She came right up to Wayne and I after church because she recognized us!!! My heavens!!
LOVE this foto of the Maple Mountain BARN just a mile or so down from Kevin and Lauren's home. I had asked Kevin when he got a chance to take a good foto of it so I could print it and frame it. Well....true to form, Kevin got an absolutely BEAUTIFUL shot of the barn. It is framed and sitting on the kitchen counter in our little apartment here in Peachtree City, GA. KIITOS PALJON K!!!
JULY 4TH BANNERS have been out in abundance this week getting everyone in a FESTIVE mood!
I had my first EYE APPOINTMENT here in Peachtree City this week after having left my beloved Dr. Zimmer-Galler up in Frederick! I miss her but this my new doctor here will be a good 'fill-in' until we finish our mission. I DID have to have another shot in the eye which I am just fine with. I know it helps me. Interestingly enough, they put this Q-tip with numbing medication on it in my eye. Haven't had 'numbing' quite like this before. It worked though....and that is all I care about!!
My sweet dear friend, Guyanna, asked if I would make a Washington D.C. Temple Cross Stitch bookmark for a special visitor. Guyanna is the Stake YW President and she is planning a multi-stake Youth Conference. The 'special' guest is going to be Sister Carol McConkie of the General YW Presidency. Of course, I was more than happy to take care of that request for her. Here is the completed bookmark.
We had our FIRST ZONE CONFERENCE this week. Fortunately it was right here in our very own Georgia Atlanta Mission....fairly close by. Only an hours drive to get there. And we only made one wrong turn before getting there a half hour late!!! Anteeksi! Sorry. We were introduced, spoke for a brief moment and then Wayne was asked to set up a 'clinic' to see any missionaries who wanted to see the Doctor. He had about 8 sign up and it was a very productive time.
After the conference was over we asked one of the elders to take a foto of us. I know we can't do this for every conference because there will be too many of them to do that.
Got to love Zone seeing all of the missionary cars lined up!
On the way back home we saw a HOBBY LOBBY store and decided to stop and check out what products Becky has in that store. They were a little sparse but had some. I had to do a little straightening up while we were there!! Of course......
And just like that it is JULY 4TH and time to Celebrate our Country and the Freedom's we enjoy here. That called for an AMERICAN FLAG on the front door of our apartment.
Just out on the main PEACHTREE PARKWAY was a really big parade. GREAT EVENT!!
We saw two of the Sister Missionaries out and about greeting people! So good to see them....along with a member of the ward.
And spotted across from us were some of the ELDER MISSIONARIES! They heard some noise and decided to come out of the apartment and see what was going on. They had forgotten about the parade!

The Church had a banner and float in the parade. Good for them!!! Didn't get a good foto of the float. We were so proud to have them as a part of this great event!
After the parade everyone went back home in their GOLF CARTS!!! Did I tell you that there must have been at least 5,000 - 10,000 of those things. Amazing!!!
In the evening we went down to the Peachtree Ward to watch the fireworks. We had a PERFECT view of them......and a great display of beautiful fireworks.
Funny to realize there were soooo many people standing in the median strip watching them! My goodness......couldn't believe how many there were.
Saturday morning we found ourselves with a bit of time that we could slip up to the GEORGIA ATLANTA TEMPLE and participate in some temple activity. We were concerned about being away from the phone for too long (with Wayne being on call 24/7) so we decided to do sealings for an hour. It was so nice to be back there again after not being able to get to the temple for a month!!
In the evening we were invited out to dinner by Elder and Sister Lake. Sister Lake is the NURSE for this mission. She and Wayne do a lot of phoning and texting and emailing with each other about missionaries in this mission that need medical help.
This little restaurant has GREAT food......Southern of course!!
We have a new little STATUE in our front foyer of our apartment. What you can't see is the bubbling water in the top of the fountain. It is so cute. It is called "Brotherly Love". When I saw it at KROGER'S I told Wayne we really needed to have it. We checked it out, it was on sale and then we got a senior discount on top of that. Can't beat that!!
And now we prepare for more Zone Conferences this coming week......some down in southern Georgia. That means ROAD TRIPS for us!!! :-)
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