Another week.....another month! What next......I will tell you that we have a HUGE week of travel coming up this week....week of August 3rd. Next week we will be in the Tennessee Knoxville Mission. A recap of this past week though.....
Monday was a fairly relaxing day for us. Although we anticipated getting a phone call from Salt Lake Missionary Travel Department about the real possibility of Wayne needing to escort a Missionary home to SL for medical treatment, we just didn't know when that call would come. SO....while Wayne continued to work and take care of the medical needs of the missionaries, I was able to complete Matthew's afghan! Finally.....because I was waiting on the rest of the yarn to arrive that I had ordered. It came in the mail on Monday morning and 2 hours later it was finished and mailed at the local Posti.
Tuesday morning we got 'the phone call' and 3 hours later I took Wayne to the airport so he could catch his flight to Charlotte, pick up the sick missionary and they then caught a flight out of Charlotte and headed to SLC. In the meantime, back here at the apartments it was full of activity. It was TRANSFER DAY for the Georgia Atlanta Mission. We got several new elders. Here Elder Thompson (R) and Elder Laws (middle) talked with one of our neighbors who was moving out. These are great missionaries.
And there he to escort a sick missionary home. He is such a GREAT Area Medical Advisor. This was his first to escort home.....and I am sure there will be many others before our mission is complete!!
Wayne was back home in about 24 hours. He arrived in SL about 11:00 p.m., spent the night in a hotel and back on the airplane at 8:30 the next morning. All arrangements had been made by the travel department in SL. We did not have to cancel our lunch appointment with President and Sister Bennion of the Georgia Atlanta North Mission. What a wonderful time we had with them in their home. They are going to be wonderful to work with!!
Meanwhile, back at our home in Maryland!! We had had some more storm damage with lots of limbs and trees down. AND Frank had not been able to mow our grass for several weeks. His mower was out of commission. SO....Steven and 3 of the kids went over and mowed and made some money. Bless their hearts!! They are such a great help to us while we are serving our mission.
And.....Matthew received his blanket! I think he really likes it!!! SO Glad.....
Becky's team asked if I would be a beta tester for her new Project Life App that is about ready to be made available!!! I was so excited to be able to do this. AND the best is so EASY and I did NOT have to be tutored with anything about the app!!!! It is going to be amazing to have this convenience!!! This is my first scrapbook page that I did with the APP!!
And another month is now behind us.....never to return. AUGUST has begun.
Wayne LOVES the pens we got from NCFA!!!! So much so that his pen ran out and he had Steven mail the rest of the pens to us from home. He was a happy AMA when his fresh supply came in the mail!
On one of our walks this week we finally saw our little bambi's in the woods!!! I knew eventually we would hopefully see some. How made me feel like we were right back at home in Maryland.
On Saturday morning we went to the temple. After we finished we headed up to Kennesaw to see my Aunt Betty and visit with her. We had heard of this 5-story chicken that is a landmark. We found it and it was quite easy to find as well!!! We understand that this is one of the original place of KFC.
Betty treated Wayne and I to lunch at Olive Garden close to her home. After lunch we went back to her home and her son Johnny and his wife Charlotte came over. We had a great visit with all of them. It was been literally decades since we have seen them.
YES you guessed it.....I made another 'page' from our visit today with Becky's PL App!!! Love the ease of using this. Betty had great fotos of my grandpa and grandma Marion. I had not seen this foto of grandma Marion where she is actually smiling! Of course I had to take fotos of the fotos.
I decided while I was playing with the PL App I would make a 4 x 6 foto of our cute little foto. I think it turned out really well.
Wayne 'caught' Betty and I visiting in the living room.
Meantime, back at our home in Maryland (actually in D.C.) Pia Allgaier had come over from Germany to visit the family. We so much wish we could have been there!!! We just love that family!! Here they are on the metro headed to D.C. for touring around.
And they got together for dinner at Cafe Rio's. So excited that she could come!!!
And that is our week in a nutshell!! We just love our mission and feel so blessed to be here!!!
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