Having finished our Zone Conferences in the Kentucky Louisville Mission, we were headed down to the Tennessee Nashville Mission for the week. We decided to stop in Bowling Green, KY to visit the Corvette Museum! It was quite the fascinating place. Seeing the SINKHOLE which opened up in March 2014 was especially interesting.....and the loss of a LOT of expensive cars that fell in that ginormous hole. Oh my!
One of the Hampton Inn's that we stayed in had this restaurant right next door.....and with the name of JONATHAN'S GRILLE we could not resist eating there. It was actually pretty good. And we had lots of thoughts of Jonathan!!
Fun that one of the Zone Conferences was held at the stake center building which is adjacent to the Nashville Tennessee Temple. It was closed for a 2-week maintenance time. Sad that we didn't get to attend the temple but at least we got to see it and walk around.
Part of the Zone Conferences consist of the Missionaries helping to check their own cars to make sure they are in good working order. Here a couple of sisters are checking the oil with a dipstick! Bless their hearts. They really do a great job in taking care of their cars! Good that they get to learn how to do things like this.
It is always fun to see how 'decorative' the Relief Society gets with the luncheons they serve for the missionaries. They put so much work into what they do and it is greatly appreciated by all of the missionaries. This week they celebrated Cinco de Mayo!!! Very festive!
Elder/Dr. Allgaier took some time to do a little 'computer training' with Sister Crawford, one of the 2 nurses in this mission. He has to keep everything running smoothly. Sister Crawford is trying hard to learn how to use the computer well.
I LOVE the interactions the missionaries have with each other. As I was sitting in the foyer and talking with some of them, this Sister said to this Elder as he walked by that they were 'related'!! "What do you mean" he says.......they ended up to be 2nd cousins. Their mothers being 1st cousins! They had never met before. I took this foto and emailed it to both of them so they can share with their respective families when they write home on Preparation Day!! How fun.....small world.
We managed to have someone take our foto in front of the Nashville Tennessee Temple.
This has got to be the CUTEST grill I have E.V.E.R. seen!!! I wanted one sooooooo badly! A PINK PIG...so figure. We saw this as we were driving from one city in Tennessee to another. We surely see some very interesting things from time to time.
We thought this chapel was interesting because the steeple was 'placed' in the front yard rather than on top of the building. We figured there must have been some kind of 'uproar' from the neighbors about the steeple being higher than other steeples in the neighborhood....especially since it doesn't have a cross on it!!
This sweet sister missionary noticed I had an apple watch on. She was asking how it worked and about some of the features. I told her I could even take fotos with it.....hence, the demo foto of the two of us!
Got the doily for Sister Romano finished......will give it to her when we see her in the South Carolina Columbia Mission the first part of June. She is the mission nurse there.
The BATMAN BUILDING became the thing we saw in downtown Nashville on a daily basis this week. We were in, around and through Nashville for the entire week. We got to where we could find our way around pretty well....and recognized a LOT of things!
Another clever table centerpiece......very plain and simple.......the Book of Mormon on cork board with little marble stones placed around! Very ingenious!
The Zone Conference fotos are always so much fun to watch as they are being taken. This one was no exception. President and Sister Anderson are so wonderful with their 250 missionaries!!
This was probably our last time to see Sister Crawford, one of the mission nurses. She will be completing her mission in September and we won't be back there before that. She has done well.....
We decided to spend the weekend in the western part, mountains, of North Carolina. We love going there. And why not. It is part of our mission. The GREAT SMOKEY MOUNTAINS are just gorgeous.
We spent Saturday night in Franklin, N.C. We visited the historic JAIL in town which had been turned into a Gem and Mineral Museum. The jail part of the building was very neat to see.
Our Hampton Inn had a really neat Bar-B-Que Restaurant night next door.....again, able to walk there and get a little exercise! And the food was fantastic!
We attended church in the Franklin Branch today. It was a very nice meeting. They have a very nice chapel. I especially fell in love with one of the paintings in the chapel.....entitled Mary, learning from Jesus....with Martha working in the background but still able to listen. I often feel like 'Martha'.
As we were headed out of town and drove toward Hendersonville, N.C. we noticed an INDIAN MOUND at the edge of town. We had to stop and check it out.
This is the sign posted at the mound.
And today, of course, is a very special day.....STEVEN AND SAM have birthdays!!! How fun for Steven to have one of his sons born on HIS day!! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEVEN AND SAM!!!! We wish we could have been with you.....but we will next year!!! :-)
And we close this post this week with yet one more beautiful sunset from our hotel room in Hendersonville, N.C.

It will be good to be back to PTC in just 2 short days! Two weeks is a long time to be on a road trip!! Even the Zone Leaders in PTC called us yesterday wanting to know when we would be home! They miss us!!! :-) Love our mission.....
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