Sunday, July 26, 2015

July 26, 2015

Kind of a busy week but not much 'travel' as far as hotels go.  We only have one hotel for 2 nights.  We did, however, a lot of driving back and forth.  Zone Conferences this week were in Georgia Atlanta North Mission.

BUT, before we went to those, we took Monday and drove to yet another part of our mission.....Auburn, Alabama!!  It was a GREAT day trip.  No worries, Elder/Dr. Allgaier was still working as we were driving and walking on campus and around downtown Auburn.  We did enjoy our visit very much.  Had a great little lunch in Toomer's right on the square corner of downtown.  And that was actually one block off campus.

This was an exception foto of the Atlanta Temple hanging in one of the buildings where we met this week.  It was very striking.....and therefore we needed to make a picture of the foto.

As we were driving from the chapel to our hotel, we stopped at a Michael's store.  I needed a 'couple of things'.  We always need to tidy up Becky's products to make sure they look nice and neat for the customers!  Just a little 'mother' thing to do.

 I had made a little cross-stitch Atlanta Temple for a few of the Senior Missionaries that we get to work with in the Atlanta North Mission.....L to R are Me, of course, Sister McKinney (mission nurse), Sister Dixon (office missionary with her husband....and we were actually in the MTC with them!), and Sister Nebeker (mission nurse).

A sweet Sister Missionary came up to me and said 'I met your father in the Provo MTC!'.  She seemed so excited.  However, I KNEW that was not possible since my father passed away back in the late 1990's!  In talking a little more I said 'Was his name President Marion?'  Yes, she exclaimed!  Oh, you mean my UNCLE don't you.  She seemed a little embarrassed but agree that he was my Uncle and not my father.  How fun to have 'connections' in the Church.  The Church is such a small community!  I love it. 

I was able to fix a 'normal' meal this least on one of the nights we were home.  It felt so good....and tasted even better.  We surely get tired of 'eating on the road' so much.

I even had time to make a scarf for Ms. Shen.....David's 'housekeeper' in China.  That was one of the things I picked up at Michael's was the yarn.  I get to do a lot of needlework when we are in hotels.  Wayne works and I do needlework!

On Saturday the Senior Missionaries from the Georgia Atlanta Mission had a trip to the Booth Western Art Museum in Cartersville, GA.  WOW what a fantastic place.  This museum really should be in the west but we are glad it is here in Georgia.  It was just fantastic!

What a BEAUTIFUL collection of western art in many different forms.

We took a group foto in front of one of the statues before we left.....L to R (approximately):  Elder & Sister Parker (office), Elder and Sister Terry (branch/ward couple), Sister Mason (mission nurse), Elder & Sister Fairbanks (ward/branch couple), Elder & Sister Jeffries (new office couple), Elder & Sister Danklef (office couple with 1 week left), Another Senior Sister Missionary (can't remember her name) and Elder/Dr. & Sister Allgaier.

What a fun adventure......what a GREAT week. We will be doing some more traveling this coming week back up to the Georgia Atlanta North Mission.  We LOVE our mission!

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