Can I just say right up front that IT HAS BEEN QUITE THE WEEK!!! When we get to the end of the week and I start looking back, I am amazed at all that we have been able to get accomplished in a week! I don't think we are letting any grass grow under our feet....after all, we have NO time to waste since we are reaching the end of this, our 3rd, mission. We still have a LOT more to get done!
Last Sunday after church, we headed out for the Tennessee Knoxville Mission. We had a 9:30 a.m. meeting at the mission home. We try to be dedicated but NOT at 4 a.m. unless we have to!!
The purpose of our 9:30 a.m. meeting was to have Elder/Dr. do some 'hands on training' with the brand new Mission Medical Advisor for the Tennessee Knoxville Mission! We have mission nurses in all of the other 8 missions we cover but this one was just lucky enough to get a retired physician to take that 'nurse' position!!! Elder/Dr. Christensen will be serving an AMA Mission but the area he has been asked to cover will not be available for a couple more years. He and his wife did not want to sit at home 'waiting' for that time. SO, here they are. They will be great!
Elder/Dr. Christensen and Elder/Dr. Allgaier....great men!!
When we left the mission home in Knoxville, we were headed to the Kentucky Louisville Mission. However, we got a phone call from the Mission President in the Tennessee Nashville Mission. He had a missionary who had one of those 'dumb' accidents on their 'super P-Day'....better known to the rest of the world as New Years Day. Well, his District were riding Glide Trikes down a hill. This Elder 'froze' when he saw a tree coming at him and he closed his eyes!! I guess he thought if he didn't see the tree, the tree wouldn't see him!! NOT so. He ended up in the ER with several lacerations AND broken bones around his eye!!! (Elder/Dr. Allgaier can give you the technical terms....I just know what happened!) It just so happened (better known as a tender mercy!) that our travel route from the Knoxville Mission Home to our hotel in Indiana that night took us exactly 2 miles off our highway to the elders apartment. Any surprise?? Absolutely not!!! What a wonderful tender mercy. And with us making a house call on this elder, Elder/Dr. Allgaier was able to see firsthand what had happened and changed the course of treatment for this elder. This was on Monday. He had facial surgery on Thursday....and the surgeon just 'happened' to be a returned missionary!!! There are NO COINCIDENCES in the Lord's work!
As we left the elders apartment (out in the middle of absolutely no-where-Tennessee) we got to drive past our beautiful Nashville....we have grown to love this skyline!!

And here we the Kentucky Louisville Mission.....which actually includes a part of Indiana. Go figure.

It is fun to see the reactions of the missionaries when they notice my apple watch. There are always lots of 'ooohhhhh' and 'aaahhhh' and they want to know how it works. I always say.....'Do you want to do a selfie with it?'. And of course they want to do that!!
And we do all of this 'fun' while Elder/Dr. Allgaier works hard. Bless his heart!
Having finished our zone conference in Indiana, we drove on over toward Lexington, KY for the next 2 zone conferences. It was getting dark as we approached our beautiful Louisville!
We have grown to love the Louisville skyline as well!!!
And the really cool bridges that go over the Ohio River. And especially at night when they have them lit up!!

I don't know that I have seen any other gym floor in a church building with the name of the area engraved in the floor. I love seeing this every time we come here.
President and Sister Brough are absolutely wonderful to work with. We love them and are grateful we get to work so closely with them.
As we were driving back and forth between cities this past week, we were going through a little town. And in that little town there was a TRAIN. And the train was moving, which meant the 'gate' was down. And that meant all of us cars had to sit and wait for that train. AND right next to that stopping and waiting for the train for a GET YOUR FRESH DONUTS RIGHT HERE little place. And that little place had a drive-thru. And WHY NOT!!! And they were really good. Would love to come back here sometime if we could only remember where this was.
One of the perks of being Diamond Members at Hampton Inn is that we can 'choose' a snack when we check in if we want to. We typically choose the extra points instead. However, this check-in stopped us as we saw this new snack we had not seen before. We opted for the snack!! Good choice.
When Zone Conferences ended Friday afternoon, Elder/Dr. Allgaier and I decided to 'stay put' in Kentucky rather than driving a 7-hour trip back to our apartment in Peachtree City, GA. That is just too waring on us old folks. SO, we chose to stay in Corbin, KY....just 1 1/2 hours south of Lexington. We have been to Corbin before and liked it. Not a lot here but that is what we like. Easy. Relaxing. AND we can get cell service!
Couldn't resist this a little downtown shop. The shop owner let us take a foto. I think Elder/Dr. Allgaier is going to add this to his power point presentation. As he should.
On Saturday we decided to head out and explore a bit. There were a couple of places we wanted to see.....all while being on call, of course! We headed to the CUMBERLAND FALLS. And we found some great rocks along the way. Dad loves his rocks!!
And here are the CUMBERLAND FALLS......and a little selfie with the falls in the background. They were very cool to see....even in cold weather.

In the afternoon we decided we wanted to visit the ORIGINAL COLONEL SANDERS KFC and have lunch there. And we did. We have been here before but had not eaten here. Cool place.
This is definitely Colonel Sanders city. He even has his own park downtown!
On Sunday we decided to attend the Corbin Ward. There are 2 sets of missionaries in this ward. AND, true to form, they asked about my Apple Watch. know what that meant....a selfie to demonstrate how that part of the watch works.
We found the Corbin Ward to be a very unique building. Not like the typical LDS church building that we see. We very much enjoyed our time in church today. There was a great spirit.
And, that, dear family, concludes yet another week. We will be here in Kentucky again this week but back to PTC by the end of the day on Friday. Stay tuned.....and like I said earlier, our time is beginning to wind down. We realize we are visiting some of our missions for the last time! That is very sad to us. We are definitely going to miss this mission very much.....I think I have said that before about our other 2 missions!! Guess we will have to go on another mission again....someday! :-) Love y'all....have a GREAT week!
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