Let's back up to the beginning of the week first before we jump right into Valentine's Day!
We started our week out by attending a Zone Conference on MONDAY in Columbus, GA for the Georgia Macon Mission. How fun it was to be with those wonderful missionaries again! Here is Sister Finlinson, the mission nurse, helping with the car inspections (her husband, Elder Finlinson, is the car 'czar') and President Fuzzel of the Mission Presidency. President Cottle is in the background talking to dad (hidden behind President Fuzzel).
Fortunately, it was only a short 1 hr and 15 minute drive south for us because we had to get back to our apartment. We had Zone Conferences in the Georgia Atlanta Mission on TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. These meetings were held in the chapel by the Atlanta Temple. We had a little snow flurry activity going on here in Georgia......

......while back up north at home we had yet another SNOW STORM coming in. We ended up with about another 8 inches on top of the 32 inches from the week before!!! Pretty winter wonderland!!
Sister Foote, the GAM President's wife arranged to have the lunches catered this time around. Pulled pork sandwiches and great baked beans!!! WOW was it a great lunch!!
On Thursday after Zone Conference we had to leave north Atlanta and drive down to Augusta, GA for yet one more Zone Conference on Friday. It was a 3 hour drive down there. Once out of the city we were able to have some pretty scenery......dad took this foto of this cool tree off in the middle of this pasture. LOVE IT!!!
Friday morning as we arrived at the Zone Conference we found the diligent missionaries out checking their cars and taking care of the maintenance! They are so good!!
And even the Sister Missionaries were checking cars.....lots of fun 'things' to learn!
We got to see Elder Goodsell again! As you may recall, it was his great-grandfather who baptized Dad's parents, Earl and Esther Allgaier.
It was a 3 hours drive home after Zone Conference on Friday afternoon. We decided to drive the 'back roads' because we like the scenery better. This truck loaded with the long, skinny trees is like Georgia 'gold'!!! We see so many of these trucks down here.
And we also see so many of these old, run-down homes. Just abandoned. This home still has the overstuffed chairs sitting on the front porch! Got to love the south!!
As we were driving through this little town of Eatonton, GA, we saw a sign advertising 'Uncle Remus Museum'!! We just had to stop and check it out. We were taking a foto of the cute statue of Brer Rabbit out front and we heard a voice calling at us...."Come on in y'all...." We looked up and saw this sweet lady waving for us to come in even though the sign said CLOSED!!! Georgia is her name and she was our tour guide.
What an absolutely cool little museum.....right in the middl of absolutely nowhere!! She was just the sweetest thing and 'bout talked our ears off with story after story after story!!!

We got a text this Friday morning as we were headed to Zone Conference that CHUCK, our neighbor who was in Hospice that we had been visiting just about every day since he had been admitted, that he passed away on Thursday night. We were very sad about that.....that we could not have been with him. He was all by himself. BUT, we were happy because he was pain free. AND, as we were traveling home we got a phone call from our missionaries (that live by us) that a new convert in our Whitewater Ward had quadruple by-pass surgery that morning!!! When it rains it pours.
SO....on Saturday we headed to the Hospital in downtown Atlanta to visit with Jack. Jack was given the heart pillow (as a heart patient!) and the Elders made the 'heart' card to give to him.
As we were driving home from the hospital, the sun was just beginning to set and making the Atlanta skyline really pretty....obviously, this is only part of that skyline.
Now, we are finally on today, Valentine's Day. We got a text during church that one of our AP's was very sick and the nurse was sending him to the hospital. SO.....we left church and headed to the hospital. Sure enough, he was looking pretty rough. After spending most of the day at the hospital with this Elder and his companion, we finally got a diagnosis....horrible migraine headaches. Poor guy....he was really having a bad one.
Back in the waiting room with his companion.....waiting for the discharge papers to be filled out!
After we got home we had 'visitors'. Our missionaries that live in the next apartment building. I made each of them a crocheted heart.....of which they were wearing on their sleeves....and looking all macho!
Dad decided he wanted to share a little story with them before they headed to their apartment!
And....that has been our week!!!!! Another super busy one....and I have a feeling the upcoming week will be just as busy! We love y'all.....have a great week!! And be safe and watch for reindeer!! :-)
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