ANOTHER full week.....and it will NOT be slowing down for us our last 4 weeks in the mission field! Thank goodness....we don't want it to. We still have toooooo much to get done!
We were off to Tennessee Nashville Mission this week. Lucy is not sure we wants to let us go or either she wanted to go with us!
We had just been through this same area 2 weeks ago when we were in the GREAT Kentucky Louisville Mission! It is beautiful through here. (By The Way.....the GREAT KENTUCKY LOUISVILLE MISSION was thus called by President Hinckley a number of years ago. When he was visiting there he started calling it the GREAT Kentucky Louisville Mission and it has stuck ever told to us by the mission President, President Brough!) SO, we call it the GKLM!
It was fun to check into our Hampton Inn Hotel when we got to Hopkinsville, KY and recognized our check-in person and he recognized us!!! He remembered that we like those delicious candy bars made in Kentucky. He gave us ONE of each kind!!! Now, I call that GREAT service!!!
Even though we were in Kentucky, this is a part of the Tennessee Nashville Mission. We love Elder and Sister Logan. They are serving as Military Relations Missionaries here. They are from Mt. Airy, N.C. in our ward there!! Small world in the church.
As we left Hopkinsville, we realized there was a Jefferson Davis Monument that we would drive past on our way back down to Nashville. We just had to stop, of course. It is so similar to the Washington Monument in D.C......only not as tall, about 2/3 the size. Very cool. And, YES, we rode the elevator to the top.

Tuesday night we got the foto below from President Brough, Kentucky Louisville Mission of one of his elders who had a bike accident. He was in the ER and President Brough was concerned. His arm was broken and not sure about head injuries. We told President Brough we were in Nashville and that we would come up the next day instead of going to Zone Conference. That is just the kind of thing we do when situations like this come up. This Elder said we could share maybe help other people avoid bike accidents!
The Elder was doing much better and found to have no head trauma....just superficial injuries. Here Elder/Dr. Allgaier is cleaning up the swollen eye a little bit. He felt right at 'home' taking care of him'. I knew he was itching to do that!!!

And.....I just sat in the corner patiently waiting to find out when the surgery on his broken wrist was going to take place. We finally made it back down to Nashville about midnight. Ready for Zone Conference the next morning.
These cute sisters asked for a selfie.....and I had to oblige!! (This was actually taken that morning prior to our taking off for the hospital in Louisville!)
When we hand our camera/phone to any missionaries to take fotos of us, we always have to expect a few selfies!!! We LOVE seeing those fotos at the end of the day when we go through our fotos!
And here is the foto of President and Sister Andersen that they took for us. We love the Andersen's. We will surely miss them....they also finish their mission and will be headed home the end of June.
At the end of the week of Zone Conferences we headed back down toward Georgia where we would stay for the night....longer drive than we wanted to do at night to drive all the way back to the PTC! This is sunset over the Tennessee River.
Look was so happy to have us back home......LUCY and the Sister Missionaries. They all made a visit to us Friday afternoon.
On Saturday we decided to slip up to the Atlanta Temple. This is probably our last time to be able to come here before we head home because of the travels we will be doing between now and the end of the month.
We got a text from President and Sister Foote (Georgia Atlanta Mission) inviting the Senior Missionaries to the mission home for a potluck dinner and games on Saturday evening. Why not, so we bagged the packing, etc. and spent the evening there. It was fun. Again, we gave my iPhone camera to the AP's and asked them to take a foto of the group....and we got a bonus foto of them!!! LOVE IT!! Elders Dimanche and Leavitt.
It is a nice group foto of some of the senior couples and President and Sister Foote (far left) in the mission home after a fun evening.
We decided to attend church in the Franklin Branch today. The last time we attended it was a Group! They are growing. How fun to be back here. And, they bought a house and are using that as their church building for now. They originally met in a members home.....they outgrew that quickly.
Tonight for dinner, we were invited over to Nancy and Aaron Allen's home. They are a great family. We first met them in Kingsport, TN when we attended church there. We have gotten to be good friends with them.
This is Nancy and Aaron. The dinner was great....chicken tacos and a strawberry torte for dessert!
And, thus, we have ended yet another paced at that. And now we are headed up to our beloved North Carolina on Tuesday morning. We LOVE our mission!!! Love y'all....and thank you SO much for your love and support!
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